
Over the last few weeks of 05 we will be posting our writers' picks for the best of 2005.

Each day we posted a new Top 5 list from one of our writers. Now at the conclusion we are please to present the master list comprised of the top picks from all of our writer submissions.

Dolly's Top 5 of 05.

5. Backstreet Boys - "Can you believe it?": Pure bliss in a tube!
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4. A$$lee $imp$on - "I Am Me, the Next Britney"!!: The title sez it all!
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What a great year! That's only 3 and already I am giddy with delight! If this keeps up, I might need to lie down & rest my heart!!

3. Brittney Spears Husband - 'Rap Daddy'!!: So exciting this news that even though it won't be released in '05, it'll probably be so good it should be on a "Best of" list two years in a row!!

2. Hillary Fluff: 'Are your teeth ready to rot & fall out of your head yet?!?!' The wonderfully talented songstress shows why she's the entertainer of the millennium!
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1. Jennifer Antony- Lopez: (or is it Lopez- Antony, how does that work?) 'My Life is Better than Yours', this release was the best of the year, with many personal songs that I still remember, months later! Especially the part about her "wealth & larger than life persona" she is so proud of that she rubs it in all her homeguuurls faces, whee!! Have you bought these yet? If not, hurry up!
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