
Singled Out: Phantom Elite's The Race

Keavin Wiggins | 01-22-2021

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Singled Out: Phantom Elite's The Race
Cover art

Phantom Elite just released their new album "Titanium" and to celebrate we have asked them to tell us about that track "The Race". Here is the story:

"The Race" was actually the second song we wrote for the album and was, after "Diamonds and Dark", more focused on the modern direction we wanted to take as a band.

It started out as an idea laid out instrumentally by Max van Esch, experimenting with 7 string guitars. We all met a few times to develop the song further, to gather our individual ideas and record a rough demo of it. Marina wrote most of the lyrics during these meetings as well, motivated by the constant overwhelm and pressure felt by all of us to be constantly on the move, to reach an imaginary finish line. "Every minute counts in the race".

The process of creating this song as it is on the album actually pretty much flew easily. No big dilemmas or big changes - what is extremely common. The primary focus of the song was really achieving this natural blend of melody and heaviness, of modern and classic. That ended up setting the tone for what was to come in "Titanium".

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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