
Singled Out: Bokassa's Low (and Behold)

Keavin Wiggins | 09-03-2021

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Bokassa released their long-awaited new album "Molotov Rocktail" this week and to celebrate we asked vocalist and guitarist Jorn Kaarstad to tell us about the song "Low (and Behold)". Here is the story:

That song has been around since around 2014 I think. Or at least some parts of it. We played it live many years ago in another form or shape but I never got it to pop. I was never completely satisfied with it until recently when I added the new introriff/chorus and the dynamic bridge and outro. So I guess I rewrote everything but the lyrics and the verses, which has been around forever. The piano at the end and the horns makes it pop even more imo as well.

The lyrics are inspired by when me and some friends travelled to a small town many years ago to see a band, afterwards we where having a beer at the local venue. And the locals threw shot glasses at us because of our dialect. It was an unreal "we donĀ“t like your kind around here" type of situation. Being a big Bruce Springsteen fan I imagine the lyrics as a kind of "Glory Days" 2.0 situation. And updated homage if you will.

So the lyrics are kind from the perspective of a sort of "big fish in a little pond" kinda person. The type of person who never left and just stayed and are reminiscing his glory days every weekend at the bar, kinda like Springsteens song. So at the first listen it may come across as just a stupid party song, but the lyrics are actually quite sad and melancholic when you think of it. Which a lot of our lyrics are, in spite of the funny song titles.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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