Singled Out: FOZY MOJO's Till The Morning Light

Alt-rockers FOZY MOJO recently released their new single "Till The Morning Light" and to celebrate we asked Tristan London to tell us about the track. Here is the story:
"Till The Morning Light" was really the spark that kicked off our comeback. We'd been on hiatus since 2018 after a publicized scandal where a large production company promised us the world and claimed to have put gotten us on tour with Kings of Leon and Eagles of Death Metal, but the owner and the company went under and they subsequently scammed us out of thousands of dollars to pay off their debts, they used us and other well-known acts coming up at the time and the owner was just recently sent to federal prison over it. That really took the wind out of our sails and the band seemed in limbo until the day "Till The Morning Light" happened, starting with a simple riff. We composed, recorded, and mixed the song until the sun came up and after that there was this undeniable spark, and we had a sense of direction, and more importantly, inspiration again of what our future laid, and so scrapped pretty much everything we had recorded before, and started churning out song pulling from all of our influences after song without a break and that quickly turned into a 15 track album. Part of the inspiration that helped us come into our sound came from the decision to lay the recording process on the shoulders of our frontman (Singer/Rhythm Guitarist Tristian London) who engineered, recorded, and mixed the songs, it gave us the freedom to stretch our limits without and for the first time led to a sense of no compromise that had hovered over us in previous releases; this shaped a garage rock tour de force landscape with the right amount of sizzle, that finally captured that edge from our live feeling and gave the single itself more personality than the common play it safe sound that plagues a lot of indie rock bands similar to us that really shines in the single. The song itself is a indie rock return to form in that dirty swing style of Iggy Pop's lust for life with a modern push on it about the simple tale of finding your nightly counterpart and sharing playful lust filled night together and the thoughts that ensue. We'll save the depth for subsequent singles, but "Till The Morning Light" is just a straightforward catchy banger whose backstory carries more weight than its message. Just let it strut and blow your speakers out. -Stay FOXY.
Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself right here!
Singled Out: Foxy Mojo's Till The Morning Light