
Eagle Rock Honored For YouTube Milestone

Eagle Rock

(Kayos) Eagle Rock Entertainment, part of Universal Music Group, has been awarded a prestigious gold plaque by YouTube in recognition of 1M subscribers to their channel.

Eagle now has over 7,000 music-related videos on their YouTube channel, and with 5 Billion minutes of their content viewed in 2018, it's clear that fans are embracing the experience of watching their favorite artists perform live. Eagle has optimized the channel as an effective marketing tool in promoting Eagle Rock's films.

Terry Shand, Eagle Rock Entertainment Chairman & CEO said, "We're absolutely delighted to receive the YouTube Gold Creator Award for surpassing a million subscribers on Eagle Rock's YouTube channel. This award is testament to the hard work and dedication of our Digital Team in everything they've done to optimize the channel over the last year or so, and endorses the work of our wider team in creating content that resonates so richly with fans around the world." Check out the channel here.

Kayos submitted this story.
It may be edited- Excerpted here with permission.

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