Mark Zavon Singled Out Week: Three Days Grace

Kill Devil Hill guitarist Mark Zavon recently released his debut solo album and is gearing up for some shows this month. To celebrate we asked Mark to tell us about some of the songs. Today he tells us about "Three Days Grace". Here is the story:
I wrote this song when I was going through a really tough period, and was having trouble holding it together, both financially and otherwise. I had recently lost my job, my girl, my gig and my place to live all at the same time. I was really fortunate to have a friend offer me a spot on his couch for a few weeks while I sorted things out and figured out a way to get back on my feet again.
Eventually I was able to find a job and scrape up enough credit to secure an apartment in Hollywood, but maintaining it took everything I had. I was working from 6 in the morning until after dark most days, and picking up weekends as well just to keep my head above water. I was also sitting in at open jams around town whenever I could to try and network my way into another gig, but staying out late was tough when I knew I had to get up at the crack of dawn to get to work on time.
I had started writing down some of the ideas for this song before it ever had a name, and then one day when I was a little behind with my rent and making excuses to the manager he mentioned that I had a three-day grace period to get the check to him. Somehow the words seemed to encapsulate my life at that time, like I was living in a grace period of sorts, about to go off the cliff at any moment. I wrote it down at the top of the page and the rest of the song was a breeze to finish. Ironically, my apartment was located on Grace Avenue in Hollywood.
Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself here, and learn more about the album, plus find details about his solo band shows right here!
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Mark Zavon Singled Out Week: Three Days Grace
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