
Singled Out: Void Vator's Until It's Gone

Void Vator

Void Vator released the official music video for "Until It's Gone," off of their 2017 released, debut EP, Dehumanized. To celebrate we asked guitarist / vocalist Lucas Kanopa to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

"Until It's Gone" is one of the first songs we put together; and it's the only one from the first batch of songs that stood not only the test of time, but also different band lineups. In fact, the song was written before I met Erik. I had started to notice how obsessed people were with social media, selfies - their phones, in general - and all the self-absorbed nonsense that seems to keep us from truly interacting with each other or enjoying life in the moment. The day I wrote the song, I remember feeling very disconcerted by all of it, and thinking between that and other forms of escapism, people were not living their lives in a real and meaningful way. That's the inspiration behind the lyrics. The first version of the song was recorded on an I-pad - just me on guitar and our drummer at the time. I remember taking the Redline (subway) back from North Hollywood to Koreatown, where I used to live, listening to that rough cut, and thinking I was onto something. The song's message has only become more meaningful since then, considering the absolute proliferation of social media's influence and the significance of cellular phones in people's lives. I can't think of anything that forces you to be 100% in the moment more that performing, so we thought it would make sense to highlight that in our music video - in juxtaposition to the theme of the song. We put together a compilation of live performances as well as behind the scenes footage of us being us. It's an honest representation of how we live our lives, what we do on and off stage and where the band is now.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and see their current tour dates right here!

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Singled Out: Void Vator's Until It's Gone

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