
Dr. Fever
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Simply the Best!

As we draw near the end of the year of our lord 2000, it is not uncommon for EVERYONE to do an end of the year wrap up. Best of lists, Top 10s, etc, etc decorate the landscape as much as Christmas lights and nativity designs. So, with that said, this months rant isn't so much a rant as it is a look back at some of the best things from this year...specifically the best albums of the year...and, a look forward into the future. So, with that, let us begin.

First things first; I present to you now, Dr Fever's Top 10 albums of the Year (*And, I promise, there were no recounts, dimples or hanging chads with this ballot*)

10.)Boy Sets Fire-After The Eulogy: B.S.F, after years of toiling around releasing DIY albums and albums on Louisville�s Initial Records, took their first step to recognition on a broader level when they signed with Victory Records. This was their first release on that label, and they didn't disappoint. This album pack everything BSF are known for; heavy, political hardcore that can at the same time stray to an almost Emo sound. This is hopefully a sign of good things to come for this Delaware band.

9.)The Step Kings-Lets Get It On: Yet another band that spent years toiling in the underground then finally found some broader acceptance this year. This is a great album from the kings of the N.Y. underground. Anyone who even remotely likes heavy music should add this to there CD collection today.

8.)Bloodjinn-Murder Eternal: A devastatingly good metal/hardcore band from North Carolina, "..Eternal" marks their first full-length release. Full of great mosh parts and more testosterone than a Stallone flick, this is an album that will leave you screaming for more. But, as good as this album is, you cannot truly appreciate it until you see this band live, which I did; four times this year. If you can find this one, grab it up. And, do it soon.

7.)A Perfect Circle-Mer De Noms: You can count me among the thousands of people who got this album expecting it to be another Tool album. Boy, was I wrong! Maynard really showed his depth as a performer with this one, and, you can count me among the MILLIONS who hope that A Perfect Circle isn't just a one shot deal...here's hoping that this band (and it's powerful sound) stays around for a LOOOOOONG time.

6.)Apart From The Projector-Lovers Knot: I can promise that NONE of you have heard of this band. But, remember the name because you WILL know of them SOON. Straight outta Scott Depot, West Virginia; this five piece band is a sight to behold, and a marvel to listen to. Totally D.I.Y, these guys deliver an indie rock/emo sound that you'd be hard pressed to find someone comparable. Totally amazing EP, and an even better live show. The only complaint I have is that the release is too short (only four songs), but trust me, it's DAMN good. And, like I said, remember the name.

5.)The Juliana Theory-Emotion Is Dead: The best thing to come outta Pittsburgh since those Steeler football teams in the 70s, The Juliana Theory pack an Emo sound that is totally unmatched. This album is the band at it's best, and anyone who even THINKS they like Emo should own this album. If you don't already, then, WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!?!?!?

4.)Outkast-Stankonia: Straight outta the dirty south, the highly anticipated and much talked about follow up to an instant classic (1998's 'Aquemini'), this album is so ahead of it's time that it should be filed away and studied in 10 years, so as to see the affect it'll have on the ENTIRE hip hop landscape. 

3.)Pantera-Reinventing The Steel: These Texans have been kicking everyones ass for so many years and dropped so many good albums that you'd THINK that they'd be due for a downfall, but, you'd be thinking wrong. This album just solidifies a few things; Phil Anselmo is a vocal god among men, Dimebag Darrell is probably the GREATEST metal guitar player this side of Kerry King, and Pantera are so far ahead of everyone else in the genre that it'll take 10 years for everyone else to get to the level there at NOW. This album should not just be listened too, but worshiped, everyday.

2.)At The Drive In-Relationship Of Command. Another band from Texas, but as close to polar opposites as you can get from Pantera. Well, not exactly. These guys (and this CD) flat out f***ing rock! If you haven�t heard it or heard of them, you need to do your homework today, and get caught up. These guys are gonna own the rock genre inside of the next 10 years. Besides this album, they have two big things going for 'em; a power packed live show that is nothing but PURE energy, and some pretty rockin afros. How can you NOT love that!?!? 

And, finally, the Number One album to come out this year.....

1.)The Deftones-White Pony: This album is beautiful. There, I said it. Finally, after years of releasing great albums that showed flashes of their potential, the 'Tones finally pulled it all together and harnessed it into this outstanding album. The focal point is Chino. He finally showed that he could do something more than just scream into the mic, he was finally able to show the ENTIRE package. This album is melodic, dark and heavy all at the same time. Mark my words; this one will go down as a MASTERPIECE.

So, there you have it, one mans take on the year in music that was 2000. And, with releases on the horizon for 2001 from System Of A Down, Fear Factory, Zao, Weezer, Clutch and (finally, allegedly) the official Nirvana Box Set, next year is shaping up to be a damn good one too. Now, if we could just do something to rid ourselves of Fred Durst, Courtney Love, Carson Daly, George W. Bush, Boy Bands and Girl Groups, then I think we can all live in peace and tranquility.

Finally, to everyone, have a safe and happy holiday season, and I�ll see ya on New Years Eve. I'll be the guy in the corner with the Marlboro and the fifth of Jack Daniels randomly quoting Hunter S. Thompson and waiting for the Millenium Bug 2K1. 

See Ya Next Year.

Questions, Comments should be emailed to: PureRockFury@antimusic.net

Visit At a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture. 

X-Mas Special- Find out Jesus' take on Dr Fever's November Rant.