
Rockstar Band Supernovas

(Blabbermouth) According to ET Canada, former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist Gilby Clarke has left ROCK STAR SUPERNOVA, the band he formed with Tommy Lee (M�TLEY CR�E), Jason Newsted (VOIVOD, ex-METALLICA) and Canadian vocalist Lukas Rossi. No reason was given for Gilby's departure but the disastrous sales of the group's self-titled debut album (which has shifted less than 56,000 copies in the United States since its November 2006 release, according to Nielsen SoundScan) are believed to have been a contributing factor.

Although Rossi didn't confirm Clarke's exit from the band, he told ET Canada that "there will be a name change� the best is yet to come!" He also said that he is working on lyrics for a new album.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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