
Dupri No Longer A Virgin

(hecklerspray) A quick test - sing the last Janet Jackson single? No? OK, hum the last Janet Jackson single? Not that either, huh. Right, can any of you even name the last Janet Jackson single, or at least come vaguely close to naming it?

Chances are you don't know that either - the last Janet Jackson single to be released around the world was called So Excited. And, no, we don't know how it goes because the British release date keeps getting pushed back. None of this sounds particularly healthy for Janet Jackson or her 20 Y.O album, does it? In fact, things are so generally unhealthy for Janet Jackson's album that her boyfriend Jermaine Dupri - president of Virgin Records' urban division - has just either quit (or been sacked from) his job. And if this doesn't mean that Janet Jackson is going to whack her boobies out again in the next week or so, nothing does.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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