Punkrocks.net RIP
(punkbands) Punkrocks.net have called it quits. This was one of the first truly great sites which started in the early ages of punk rock webzines (AKA 1999). The long-running site posted this message on their website:

"After seven years, three redesigns, two Warped Tours, several tragedies and one positive review of an Allister record (which we're still a little red-faced about), we've decided it's time for punkrocks.net to close our doors. While most of you may have noticed this two years ago, we've really lagged on providing new content, and it's become painstakingly clear to us that no one (particularly myself), has the motivation to keep this zine as a priority anymore.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story contained only the highlights of the full story published by punkbands, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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