
Jay-Z All Wet

(hecklerspray) Since he retired from music a few years ago, Jay-Z has been content to sit back and occasionally pop up two thirds into someone else's pop song and make up a lot of words that rhyme about how brilliant he is.

But that's not enough for Jay-Z - he only wants to be bloody Angelina Jolie, doesn't he? After spending a decade rapping about what lovely shoes he gets to spend all his money on, Jay-Z is determined to help out those more needy than himself. And that's why Jay-Z has joined up with MC Kofi Annan and the UN allstars to try and raise awareness about the global water crisis. And quite right too, the lawn in our back garden is starting to look rather tatty, so imagine how bad the lawns in Africa must be.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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