
Hoobastank Vs Velvet Revolver

(Blabbermouth) HOOBASTANK singer Doug Robb has told MTV.com that the band's brand-new song "If I Were You ..." , which may end up being the title track of the group's next album, was written from a couple of seemingly unrelated experiences: watching ESPN and touring with VELVET REVOLVER.

" 'If I Were You ...' was really inspired by, um, the NHL strike. Not like 'Oh, I'm going to write a song about hockey!' but watching all that � and going on tour with VELVET REVOLVER � you see all these guys who have so much and don't appreciate it," he said. "They seem to have forgotten where they came from. Actually, let me rephrase that: Four of those guys were the coolest ever, one of them is just in his own world. And I'll leave it at that."[Wonder who that might be? see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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