AHC Death?
(The PRP) Rumors abound that a member of American Head Charge passed away today. Details are sketchy but band guitarist Bryan Ottoson was reportedly found dead in his bunk, though this has yet to be confirmed.

[the following came from a fan report on the band's forum, not the article referenced here. Again like the PRP reported this is not confirmed yet but here is the fan's report: Hey all, I registered on these forums so I could fill you in on as much as I know. I went to the Charleston, SC concert tonight @ The Plex, and while we were standing in line, an ambulance came roaring by, and just before 8:00pm, they notified us that the show was cancelled due to the death of a member of American Head Charge. I have NO CLUE who it is, as they are notifying family. Don't pm me and ask me, I don't know any more than that.] - Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story is a summery of the full story published by The PRP, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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