
Crazy Town by antiGUY

The music industry has officially sunk to a new low with Crazy Town. Come on, can you say these guys are more then a boy band made up of seven wanna-be gangsters? I admit I'm not a big fan of hip-hop or rap but I hazard to guess that when real rappers see these guys posing in their video "Butterfly" the urge to bust a cap in their asses must be uncontrollable. There is nothing more hilarious then watching some white boys trying to act like gang bangers. 

Let's talk about "Butterfly" for a moment, ok I see the guys playing instruments in the video but all I can hear is a sampling of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song? Did I miss something? These guys are supposed to be rap-rock but I don't hear any rock? Again all the posing in this video is just plain stupid. They come across as a "band" created by a record producer who went out and conducted focus groups to see what middleclass white suburban nerds think is cool. Oh yes "tattoo's tested well with 74% of nerds and fake gang-banger movements got an approval rating of 92% with kids who have never been to the inner city." Again, I don't claim to know much about the urban lifestyle but anyone can see these guys are nothing more than imposters. The only thing hard about these guys is the hard-on they gave the record company exec who saw dollar signs on the wall when giving them a record contract. 

Normally I wouldn't give a gimmick act like this two seconds of attention but I am baffled beyond all comprehension on how they managed to snag a slot on the main stage at Ozzfest. What in the hell is going on here? I thought that "new" bands had to pay their dues and play the second stage before earning a spot on the main stage? Even Soulfly was a second stage act last year, granted they headlined but they have paid a hell of a lot more dues than this band of posers. Since when does being a one hit wonder trendy focus grouped band qualify you for Ozzfest, let alone the main stage? This has to be a screw up. Ozzy couldn't actually think these clowns are cool could he? Is he drinking again? That's the only thing I can come up with; Ozzy was drunk and thought that putting Crazy Town on the tour would be a twisted practical joke. Well I'm not laughing. 

Maybe I am being a little rough on them? I have no idea what the rap community considers real or bogus. From a rock standpoint these guys get no love from me. The first time I saw their video for "Butterfly" I almost gagged, they look so pretentious throwing those fake gang signs. This is what white suburban teenaged nerds think is cool these days? Then I saw an impromptu interview with a couple of the members of this "band" on TV. They had just gotten back from a record store and were showing the interviewer what they bought. You would figure it would be some rap or hip-hop CD right? Nope, it was a Dido CD. Excuse me? Dido? It just doesn't add up to the image they are trying to portray. 

I will give them credit for their name. It's actually perfect. Crazy Town; what  better captures the essence of a city like Los Angeles? A city were a record exec could hate real music so much that he would give this "band" a record deal. It's crazy but you know what? They are laughing all the way to the bank. This gimmick worked once again and has sunk the record industry to a new low. Congrats! 

Agree or Disagree? Maybe I missed something here? Do you agree with me on this? Or are you a fan that can explain what it is about these guys that makes them cool? 

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