
antiGuy's Top 5
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antiGUY gives his top 5 list of music stuff. Could be songs, people, a stupid trend... nothing is sacred to antiGUY

This Weeks Top 5
The Top 5 this time has to do with the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Like many people I am baffled by the process of how artist are in inducted. Well the fact that an artist is eligible after the 25th anniversary of their first album release is a given. But who votes, and what qualifies these so called "Experts" to vote? This week I take a stab at the criteria the RRHF takes to select these experts.

Top 5 Requirements to Vote in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.

5.You think that the last "Real" Rock album was Sgt Peppers.
4. The last concert you attended was in the sixties.
3. You agree with the reviews in Rolling Stone Magazine.
2. You stopped buying new music when records were replaced by CD's.

and number one

You actually know who the Impressions and the Inkspots are.
