
Dashboard Confessional News Stories

Dashboard Confessional and Jimmy Eat World Team For Spring Tour
Dashboard Confessional and Jimmy Eat World have announced that they will be teaming up for their coheadlining Surviving The Truth Tour

Dashboard Confessional, Thrice Top Vagrant Anniversary Shows
Vagrant Records have announced that they will hosting two very special anniversary shows early next year

Dashboard Confessional Declare 'Here's To Moving On' With New Song
Dashboard Confessional have premiered their new single, 'Here's To Moving On.'

Dashboard Confessional's Chris Carrabba Seriously Injured In Accident 2020 In Review
Dashboard Confessional frontman Chris Carrabba was hospitalized after he was seriously injured

Dashboard Confessional Cover Elvis Classic 'Blue Christmas'
Dashboard Confessional have revealed their cover of the Elvis Presley 'Blue Christmas',

Dashboard Confessional's Chris Carrabba Seriously Injured In Accident
Dashboard Confessional frontman Chris Carrabba is currently hospitalized after he was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident

Dashboard Confessional Release 'Heart Beat Here' Video
Dashboard Confessional have released a new music video for their track 'Heart Beat Here.'

Dashboard Confessional Stream New Song 'Heart Beat Here'
Dashboard Confessional have unveiled the new track 'Heart Beat Here.'

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