
Camping Edition

Yes it is chilly outdoors in many parts of the country right now but the calendar will be turning to spring before you know it, and well, it's never too early to prepare for your next outdoor adventure. Here we tell you about a few cool and useful items that you may like to have with you when you set out to hike and camp.

nomadiQ Grill

nomadiQ grill

Of course you'll need to eat while you're out on the trail, and cooking up hot meals is easy with the nomadiQ grill. Weighing in at a mere 12-pounds, nomadiQ is a propane-powered table top grill with two independent grilling surfaces; the grill portion of nomadiQ actually folds in half for ease of carrying, and either side can be turned off or set at a different temperature from the other. That makes it convenient to cook meat or fish on one side and veggies on the other, or if you're alone, to only heat up enough grill to cook for one. Both grilling surfaces are easily removable when its cleanup time. About as convenient as you can get, nomadiQ will also be good to you when you get home; it is completely safe to use indoors. Purchase your nomadiQ portable grill here.

SmellyProof Storage Bags

SmellyProof storage bags

Part of the fun of camping out is the possibility of seeing animals in their native habitat; it can be thrilling to spot a fox or a playful otter. But it's no fun at all to return to your campsite and find that raccoons have gotten into your food supply, or worse yet that a hungry bear looking for food has ravaged your camp. Animals are attracted to your food because they can smell it but they won't smell a thing if you keep your edibles in SmellyProof storage bags. Available in a bunch of sizes from micro to extra-large and in clear or black, SmellyProof storage bags can be used for any food where there's a concern about odors; stash your onions and garlic, eggs and cheese, fresh caught fish and lots more in SmellyProof's leak-proof, zipper seal bags. Smokers know they shouldn't discard butts in the wild, and the micro size bags are perfect for storing butts until you can pack them out of the woods. There are bags just right for stinky sneakers and dirty diapers too. You get the idea! If it stinks, SmellyProof it! These nylon-reinforced storage bags are tear and puncture resistant and they'll keep odors sealed in for months. Great for use around the home too; use them in the kitchen to keep foods fresh longer than a common storage bag. Order your SmellyProof storage bags here.

Xtract Energy Drink

Xtract Energy drink

If you're camping you're probably not just hanging around the campsite. Whether you're also fishing, hunting, rock climbing or hiking a trail, chances are you could use some extra energy while doing so. Give Xtract Energy drink a try; it's CBD-infused, has zero calories and is made solely from all-natural ingredients. There's no sugar or aspartame in the drink; instead Xtract Energy drink is sweetened with monk fruit and stevia. It is vegan, keto friendly and contains no gluten. The 20mg of CBD isolate in each 12-ounce can is blended with the other ingredients (like lots of B vitamins) to provide maximum energy. Xtract Energy drinks are available in berry flavor and citrus flavor, and we are happy to report that both of them taste great! Place your order here

On the Go TP Kits

On the Go TP Kits

We all know what bears do in the woods. And we non-bear type folk have to sometimes answer nature's call in the woods as well. Now On the Go's TP Kits make cleanup a breeze! Each TP Kit comes in a small and easy to carry, resealable packet that contains five 2-ply jumbo-sized toilet tissue squares and two moist cleaning wipes. Here's the really cool part: While On the Go suggests you put the used wipes and tissues back in the resealable bag for later disposal, they are 100% biodegradable if you need to leave them in the woods. Definitely a better option than carrying around a roll of toilet paper that can get soiled and unsanitary very quickly. On the Go TP Kits can be purchased by the single packet or in boxes of 10 packets. Find them here.

Wolfgang Man & Beast Leash and Collar

Wolfgang Man & Beast SeeSee dog leash

If you have a dog you know that they love the outdoors, and taking them along on your outdoor adventure is just as much fun for them as it is for you. And your four-legged friend will not only be secure but look stylish when you deck them out in a new collar and matching leash from Wolfgang Man & Beast, the company that features original designs on their American-made dog accessories. All sorts of cool patterns are available for the collars, leashes and harnesses, including the just made-for-camping Venture design that features a scenic mountains, trees and stars scene. There's a tie-dye design, a colorful Good Dog design, a Wildflower design, and another featuring waves breaking on the beach. Other designs include those called Yeti, Quetzal, Night Owl and High Plains, and there's even the SeeSee design which will match your footwear if you're wearing Vans. Speaking of matching, Wolfgang Man & Beast carries matching socks for some of the designs, so you can look as stylish as your pup when you're out and about. Find information on all products and designs and place your order here.

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