
The Furious Seasons - My Love Is Strong

David Steinhart is the 'heart' behind The Furious Seasons, and My Love Is Strong is a strong, variety packed musical effort.

At times Steinhart comes off like a modern American rocker, as he does during "Southern Night," complete with Farfisa organ. Other times, though - especially whenever the vibrato comes through in his singing, as during "Understood" and "Bad" -- a distinct Roger McGuinn vibe comes through. This sound if particularly evocative of McGuinn's pioneering country-rock days. "Understood" is also especially highlighted by some truly lovely mandolin playing.

Americana is such a widely inclusive genre, and Steinhart seemingly does his best to fit into every open space of it. And this is a good thing because nobody should feel limited in what they may want to try musically.

Sometimes, a lyric will jump out and drag you by the throat. This happens during the seemingly upbeat "Full Disclosure" when Steinhart announces, "I'm so close to Breaking Bad." With just a few words, one immediately knows the potentially dangerous place Steinhart is when he sings it. Bruce Springsteen once said it similarly when he sang, "I've got debts no honest man can pay."

The Furious Season is one furiously fine act.

The Furious Seasons - My Love Is Strong

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