
Books on Fate - Memory

Books on Fate is the 'group' name of Adam Dishart, and Memory is an album of sometimes chime-y electric guitar post-punk music. Vocally, Dishart is a little bit of an acquired taste, in that he combines the un -Velvety, off key vocal tone of Lou Reed-inspired Dean Wareham singing, with the permanently depressed attitude of Sun Kil Moon (and former Red House Painters) Mark Kozelek.

A song like "Two Forgets" has the potential to be a moving melancholy ballad, only the slower and quieter the musical bed, the more pronounced are Dishart's vocal limitations. This is something Morrissey - who's over time developed into the ultimate alt.rock balladeer - would have killed on!

The track "Asleep on the Phone" is a far better showcase for Dishart's strengths. Although poor singing is a slight deterrent to it, the song's pretty guitar fills and driving beat ultimately make it an attractive work. "Fountain of Youth" is also good one, built upon a pretty acoustic guitar backing.

With better songs, Dishart's vocal deficiencies would be but a mere annoyance. But because the songs are just good, not great, his singing shortcomings ultimately seal his act's unsuccessful fate.

Books on Fate - Memory

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