
The Youngbloods Frontman Jesse Colin Young Has Died


The Youngbloods Frontman Jesse Colin Young Has Died

(JC) It is with deep sadness that we announce music legend Jesse Colin Young, who left a unique mark on the intersecting worlds of folk, blues, jazz, country, and rock & roll, died in his home in Aiken, South Carolina yesterday afternoon, it was announced by his wife and manager, Connie Young.

As the frontman of The Youngbloods, he immortalized the ideals of the Woodstock generation with "Get Together," an international hit that called for peace and brotherhood during the turbulent 1960s.

During the decades that followed, Young expanded both his audience and his artistic range, releasing a string of solo albums that mixed socially conscious lyrics with top-tier guitar skills and gorgeous vocals.

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The Youngbloods Frontman Jesse Colin Young Has Died

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