
Singled Out: Wesley Adams Cook's Bluff

Keavin Wiggins | 04-27-2023

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Wesley Adams Cook just release his new single "Bluff". To celebrate the arrival of the new track, we asked him to tell us about the song. Here is the story:

Bluff is a song that I wrote after watching the show Billions, a series that follows the exploits of a major financial mogul.

The idea behind this song is twofold, but at its core it's about destructive addictive tendencies or what I also call avoidance tendencies. On one hand, it shows when the quest for more becomes a never ending mirage that never brings forth the ultimate satisfaction one thinks it might. It also illustrates when that pursuit alters your behavior to where you are doing harm to yourself and others and sacrificing your humanity and morality at the altar of gaining more. It can become a cycle where, as the chorus suggests, keeps thrilling you while it keeps killing you.

I titled it Bluff because until one calls one's own bluff that the next thing is going to bring that ultimate fulfillment and satisfaction they think it will, one will just stay on that never ending carousel always going for the next thing. It's not a judgement song. Pursuing more is part of the human experience. It's when those pursuits become harmful.

Because the show deals with finances and the underbelly of the financial world, I used luxury and money as the motif. It's in no way demonizing money. I love having money and luxuries. The overarching theme again is patterns of behavior that become habitual and destructive, and one's ability to recognize these if they arise.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about Wesley here

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