
Singled Out: Ananda Xenia Shakti's I Am Love

Keavin Wiggins | 03-06-2022

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Ananda Xenia Shakti Photo courtesy MTS
Photo courtesy MTS

Ananda Xenia Shakti, best known from with working Blondie and as a founding member of the B-Girls (toured with The Clash,) recently released a new single called "I Am Love" and to celebrate we asked her to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

I have always been a 'Hopeful Romantic' looking for ' star crossed love', with all the magic of the mystical yet completely functional in the terrestrial. So I spend a lot of time communing with the Mystic Realms of Poetry, Spirit, Muses and Love. Luckily Creations gifted me with a few way to support myself by doing just that for others. Being a conduit for the more Subtle Realms of Wisdom, Love and Life is one of them. Turning it into Music and Dance is another.

This may seem far fetched to some reading this, yet I am sure you have all heard of Spirit Guides and Angels and perhaps wondered if they were real, or already talk to your own! Well I can tell you after a life of communication they are very real, and really why shouldn't they be ? Wouldn't life be drab is we could explain and rationalize it all out ? For decades I have been acting as a conduit for clients, communicating with the Subtle Realms on their behalf receiving guidance for them, that has changed their life, supporting deep healing and new life choices.

Music is my first love. So everything I do has to have a musical/poetic/spiritual nature to it, the Choose Love Karmic Readings channeling sessions , the Sananda Yoga I teach, the clothes I wear from my company 'I Am Love' design, and of course the music of Love Power the Band.

When I could no longer stay in the reflective art of the Punk Music scene I made a promise to myself that music would rise in me again, but this time to transform the heart, rather than reflect its pain.

One of my spiritual mentors introduced me to the ancient mantra "I Am Loved', 'I Am Love'. Repeating these sacred words brought me in touch with the 'Divine Romance' as it is called, the romance with the Beloved Self. I started hearing it become a song. I was driving one night to my Yoga Studio to sit for a while with my guitar and have some fun playing. By the time I reached the Studio the song was well formed and just needed finishing touches, which is the way songs often come to me.

I was concerned it would be boring because it repeated the same words over and over I am love, I am loved, and the names of the Divine couple that symbolize the Divine Romance in India, Radha/Govinda,( Govinda is another name for Krishna.) They are a spiritual inspiration for letting love and irrational romance lead you to the Cosmic Heart of Creation. I started to hearing choruses of voices singing the chant in my meditation, I could hear it didn't matter at all that the words were simple, in fact that was its strength and healing power. People singing along repeating the same healing words over and over would help heal heartbreak and the feeling of not be love or being loved and remember their True Self which is Love.

My first attempt to record it failed. I told the engineer I wanted it to sound like a punk/spiritual Phil Spector's wall of sound LOL The engineer said yes and then never showed up for the project. I felt disappointed cause I was so excited to record it. I did another take of it with a music collective I was in at the time called The Healing Divas. It was such am amazing group but the recording just didn't reflect what I was trying to create. Then came the formation of Love Power the Band. I brought the song in and the band just 'knew' how to play it . I didn't have to say anything it was amazing, and I got really excited about recording it again .

When I go into the studio, I go with no recording skills but very clear ideas about what I want to hear. So the engineer has to be patient and listen carefully. I usually want exactly the opposite to what they feel instinctively to add. I have had to build courage to keep saying no please do it like this, but I have heard it so clearly in my mediations, I can't compromise it.

I am very happy with the results of 'I Am Love' and very thankful for all the people who are part of its magic. Oh how my heart sings, when I hear people singing it, or telling me their whole household is singing it. Not because of career success but because I have found a way to share the 'LOVE' with people and help create the Festival of Life as being the new normal!

I feel the blessed with the timing of song being released rather than discouraged by its delays. Because of the Covid situation Humanity is ready to Rise and they are hungry to know they are Love and the song is helping so many people now.

May all Beings in All Realms of Existence they are Love.
May it Be So !!!!

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about Anandahere

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Singled Out: Ananda Xenia Shakti's I Am Love

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