
Metallica Team With Fender Play For New Collection

Michael Angulia | December 29, 2022

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Metallica have teamed up with Fender Play who have launched guitar lessons for 10 of the band's most iconic songs, and the platform is offering a free trial.

The band had this to say, "Get started with our collection - including 'Master of Puppets', 'Enter Sandman', 'Nothing Else Matters', and riffs from seven other songs - then expand your repertoire as Fender Play adds new songs from a variety of artists weekly!"

Fender Play shared, "Have you tried your hand at your favorite Metallica song, but can't quite nail it? Or maybe you're looking to pick up a new skill in 2023. Either way, Fender's got your back with Fender Play - your portable online guitar school. Learn at your own pace, play as little or as long as you like.

"Learn from the best no matter where you are. Fender Play's online guitar lessons are led by world-class instructors, featuring top quality video lessons. Start for free with a 14-day trial and get unlimited access." Check it out here.

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