
84 Tigers Release 'Great Basin' Video

Keavin Wiggins | 08-18-2022

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84 Tigers (Feat. Members of Small Brown Bike, The Swellers) have released a music video for their new single, "Great Basin", which comes from their forthcoming debut album, "Time In The Lighthouse" (Out October 21st).

Mike Reed had this to say about the track, "With this one we tried to capture some of the energy of being stuck in a storm. It's about those massive environmental forces and how we're constantly in a push and pull battle with the elements. The idea was to create a song that had that energy, and feels like you're in a race against something, teetering on the edge."

"I'm really proud of how the record turned out," Reed adds. "Everything felt organic and natural, from writing to recording to mixing. We just followed our gut and didn't overthink it, hoping to capture some of the urgency and intensity in the songs." Watch the video below:

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