
Guns N' Roses Reveal New Drummer


Guns N' Roses Reveal New Drummer

Guns N' Roses have announced that they have recruited AWOL Nation touring drummer Isaac Carpenter, best known for his work with Loudermilk, Duff McKagan's Loaded and The Exies, to replace the recently departed Frank Ferrer.

The band shared, Carpenter will hit the road with the band throughout their 2025 European, Asian, and Middle East Tour, headlining stadiums and festivals throughout the summer.

The news follows the amicable exit of Frank Ferrer, the longest-serving drummer in the powerhouse rock legends' storied run. Frank first joined GNR during a show in June 2006 helping anchor the rhythm section during subsequent tours, including their recent outings featuring the reunited trio of Axl Rose, Slash, and Duff McKagan. His last show with the band took place on November 5, 2023 in Mexico.

Isaac Carpenter, born in Washington's Tri-Cities, is an accomplished American drummer and songwriter known for his dynamic contributions to alternative, hard rock, and beyond. He rose to prominence in 1995 by co-founding Loudermilk while in high school, only to be signed to Rick Rubin's label American. Carpenter's career spans an impressive roster of acts, including live and studio work with Duff McKagan's Loaded, Awolnation, Adam Lambert, the hardcore metal outfit Barbarians of California, A Perfect Circle, The Exies, Ours, and Black Lab, in addition to his large session film and TV roster. Carpenter has made a name for himself by uniquely blending versatility and groove with crushing force and technical skill, cementing his reputation as a multifaceted drummer in the industry.

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