
Jake E. Lee Shares Part 2 Of Recount Of Las Vegas Shooting


Jake E. Lee Shares Part 2 Of Recount Of Las Vegas Shooting

Former Ozzy Osbourne and Badlands and current Red Dragon Cartel guitarist Jake E. Lee has shared part 2 of his recounting of the October 15th incident where he was shot multiple times while walking his dog in his Las Vegas neighborhood.

In the new update, Lee shares, "Feels like I'm dragging this out, but I just get caught up in other stuff. Without further ado, here's Part 2: The second bullet felt nothing like the first. Whereas the first one was a burning sensation, this one was an impact strong enough to push the air out of my lungs. Like getting hit with a baseball bat. The bullet entered mid back and exited out my left side. It fractured the 10th and 11th ribs and punctured my left lung. It wasn't something I would consider that painful, much like the first one. On a 1-10 scale maybe a 4.

"When the paramedics got to me the first thing they asked was if I could move my legs. They wanted me to show them. They told me a couple times on the way to the hospital how lucky I was. In the ER, I was again asked if I could move my legs. They seemed impressed. Over the next couple days whenever a nurse was redressing my wounds I would hear about how close the bullet was to my spine. Finally, at home about 5/6 days later my daughter Jade was redressing my back and said 'Oh my god, Dad.' So I asked her to take a photo so I could see wtf everyone was going on about. Oh. Yeah. I see. How did that not actually hit my spine?

"These are the photos she took, entrance mid back and exited left side. The lung initially needed a tube in it to drain the blood. Lung is now clear and ribs are almost healed. And yeah, I got relatively lucky with that.

"Part 3 will deal with the shot through the foot, which yes, felt completely different than the first two. After I document that I will put this incident behind me and focus on the future!"

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