
Singled Out: Jonny Polonsky's Supernatural Radio


Singled Out: Jonny Polonsky's Supernatural Radio

Jonny Polonsky recently released is new album "Supernatural Radio" via Stone Gossard's Loosegroove Records, and to celebrate we asked Jonny to tell us about the album's title track. Here is the story:

I woke up one Saturday morning with the music to "Supernatural Radio" playing in my head. It's not so unusual for me to hear original music, but something about this felt different and I knew I had to pay attention. It sounded like I was listening to a record-I could distinctly make out all the guitar, bass and drum parts, as well as the vocal melody.

I stayed still for probably 30 minutes to make sure I remembered everything, then got up and recorded it. This was the day after Russia invaded Ukraine, and three days after Mark Lanegan died. Walking around later that day with this new song in my head, I kept hearing Mark's voice really loud and clear singing this song, and the words started coming in bit by bit.

We weren't close friends by any means, but we knew each other a little, and he had sung on one of my records a few years prior. I've had brand new songs pop into my head fully formed before (or close to it), but this was a strange one, it really just appeared completely finished, except for the words. I like to think Mark dropped one last collab on his way to the pearly gates. He was known as Old Scratch, but he generated too much beauty in his time here to be sent to the place that has the guy with the pointy stick and eternal damnation etc etc.

The title I stole from a lesser known Tom Petty song, so maybe he's in there, too, in some way. The song is essentially about how there is no separation between any of us; that we are all connected, whether on the physical or the spiritual plane. Everything is felt, communicated and received, to those who have the ears to listen.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here

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Singled Out: Jonny Polonsky's Supernatural Radio

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