
Singled Out: Nectarous' Sugarcoat


Singled Out: Nectarous' Sugarcoat

Nectarous recently released a music video for their brand new single "Sugarcoat", and to celebrate we asked guitarist Brodie Perro to tell us about the track, which comes from their self-titled debut album.

Here is the story: What does it mean to have a sunny disposition? To be a cup half full sort of person? Our latest single, "Sugarcoat," embodies what it means to have those characteristics. Imagine you are the sort of individual going about their day, but nothing seems to go right. Whether your car just broke down, you lost your job, or some other issue is plaguing your life, it doesn't mean it is the end of the world.

Let's face it, there's always a reason to think life sucks, but conversely, there are just as many reasons to think life is great. To quote the chorus, "It makes a poor man cry, but it's still one of the best days of my life." "Sugarcoat" is about a relatable human experience of being down in the gutters, but still being able to see that light at the end of the tunnel. Life is short, let's not let the bad experiences define all others.

I wrote this song back in the summer of 2022. I had just moved into a house in St Paul with my girlfriend, and this was one of the first great song ideas I had living in this city. Flash forward to a year later, the band is hanging out in a Wisconsin cabin north of Green Bay. We had just played an April 20th show in Chicago and we planned on spending the next few days writing out in the woods. This writing session was the first time the band jammed on "Sugarcoat". It wasn't exactly a straightforward 4/4 tune, but within 2 hours we got everything together. We recorded the song in November in Minneapolis, and just this past July we returned to the studio weeks before the release of our album to record a new idea we had for an outro to "Sugarcoat." This song is an enjoyable funky tune with an upbeat message. I hope the positivity we convey can resonate with the rest of the world.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here

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Singled Out: Nectarous' Sugarcoat

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