
Singled Out: Dwight + Nicole's Saying Goodbye

Keavin Wiggins | 08-23-2024

Singled Out: Dwight + Nicole's Saying Goodbye

Dwight + Nicole just released their new album, "The Jaguar, The Raven & The Snake Deluxe Edition", and to celebrate we asked Nicole Nelson to tell us about the song "Saying Goodbye". Here is the story:

I'm definitely tapping my own personal experience for "Saying Goodbye." Recent years have brought a lot of lessons along those lines! It's not always easy, but there are ways to work it.

For sure, I have met my innate reluctance to accept change. I've come across it again and again - it can be persistent, especially when it comes to relationships. Saying goodbye to people can feel almost impossible. The only way I have figured out how to do it well is through celebrating - the person, the lessons learned, the thing and how great it was... whatever it is that I am letting go of. There has to be some celebratory aspect or it doesn't release as quickly. It is so important to learn HOW to say goodbye, or it can become like a wound that doesn’t fully heal.

I wrote this song to capture that exalted feeling into a piece of music. I need that right now. It helps me to remember. We are here to love, but also eventually to say farewell. It's just part of the deal on this planet! Love and let go. Repeat, and enjoy. In remembering that, there is more reverence in everything, even in loss itself. We can't know the ways that we will be shaped and strengthened until after it has happened.

I DO know that the more we celebrate, and sing and dance through it all, the more beauty we bring into the creation of something new. It is a very true art. That is what this song is drumming up - the celebratory feeling. We all felt that while recording it in the studio. It is such a fun song to play and sing. We were in that freedom space with it, and there is nothing more freeing than letting go.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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