
Singled Out: The Sweet's Little Miracle

Keavin Wiggins | 07-26-2024

Singled Out: The Sweet's Little Miracle

Legendary rockers The Sweet just released their brand new single "Little Miracle", and to celebrate we asked Richie Onori to tell us about the song. Here is the story:

Our new release "Little Miracle" was a song that we felt had everything one would want from a band whose legacy and integrity is always on the line and will always be scrutinized by fans, especially when new material is put out.

With our decision to release this song above dozens of other songs that we were looking at was a tough decision. Our process went as follows. 1) All the members in the band submitted their own song ideas 2) We collectively collaborated in a rehearsal setting and created other songs on the spot. 3) We asked around from producers or writers near to our camp if they had a hit song that would work with the Sweet genre.

Sweet had been working with Producer Dave Jenkins since Steve Priest, Stevie Stewart & myself put our vision of the 21st century "Sweet" together in 2007. When Stevie & I heard Dave's song we knew we had a little miracle in the making. Coming right out of the box in 2024 with the right song for these times this move would be a new landmark direction. We knew that when each one of our group's members laid down their parts that we were indeed capturing the same energy that we project live and that in turn compliments the mighty brand and band of the heritage line-up.

Jimmy's guitar parts, simply amazing...Stevie Stewarts Bass & shared Keyboard duties with Dave Shultz were innovative fresh & new. Patrick Alan Stone vocals were exactly himself portrayed, however not trying to copy Brian Connelly but instead still capturing that same rebellious attitude of Brian.

So we rehearsed the song in the same place we cut the track on the same day. We experimented and finally came up with the right feel. As the drummer of the outfit I wanted to evoke my personality of how I interpreted this piece. I went the funky route and that was it, the foundation was laid and the song came together in a flash.

Now it was time to address the vocal back- ups that Sweet are so known for. Dave Shultz high piercing vocals were put on last was definitely the icing on the cake. I heard a chorus vocal block and I suggested to Producer Dave Jenkins and Stevie Stewart that we should start the song off with the "a cappella" vocals. Survey says "Bingo"

Maintaining the "Sweet" sound and at the same time introducing a new generation to the genius of "Sweet" that "Steve Priest "& company founded. Steve, our partner passed us the torch in order to keep his legacy alive. We are overwhelmed by the positive response we've received.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here

News > Sweet

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