
Nevertel Say Shut Your Mouth With SYM


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Nevertel Say Shut Your Mouth With SYM

(Epitaph) After announcing their signing to Epitaph Records this Spring, today, Tampa, FL based trio Nevertel release their volatile label debut single "SYM". Combining the bouncy flow of resident rapper (and producer/guitarist) Raul Lopez with the urgent screams of vocalist Jeremy Michael, "SYM" is a high-energy nu-metal anthem that's perfect for unleashing your inner rage.

Underneath the explosive breakdowns, "SYM" tells the story of Lopez's journey toward regaining his sense of self amidst internal battles. "SYM was written between a weird period in my life where I felt like I had lost all my confidence in who I was and what I was making," he confesses. "I hope this song can resonate with anyone that has felt this way in the past and or with someone going through those feelings right now."

Leading with an emphasis on quality in everything they do, Nevertel - Jeremy Michael (vocalist), Raul Lopez (rapper/guitarist/producer) and Alec Davis (guitarist) - have honed a distinctly modern genre-blending sound that fuses elements of hip-hop, nu-metal and alternative rock. Touting influences from established acts such as Bad Omens, Linkin Park and Bring Me The Horizon, the group draws in listeners with riveting melodic choruses, hip-hop infused verses and bombastic EDM-style breakdowns.
Even before they were Nevertel, they were just a bunch of childhood pals bonded by their shared love of music. Now, after two albums, two EPs, and a slew of singles out in the world, they've racked up over 60 million global streams to date (and over 900K a week) while fostering an online community of over 600K social media followers. A testament of their dedication to their craft and commitment to their fans, the band has performed at festivals like Welcome To Rockville, seen radio support from SiriusXM and earned recognition across all major DSPs, with a placement on Spotify's All New Metal, Kickass Metal, and Hard Rock playlists.
"If we could inspire that same 13-year-old kid we once were to follow their dreams and chase their passions then I'd say our mission is being accomplished." - Nevertel

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Nevertel Say Shut Your Mouth With SYM

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