
Dream Evil Deliver 'Chose Force' Video


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Dream Evil Deliver 'Chose Force' Video

(C Squared) DREAM EVIL have now launched the second single "Chosen Force" off their upcoming seventh studio album effort, entitled Metal Gods, to be released via longtime label Century Media Records worldwide on July 26th, 2024.

The band had this to say, "The fourth song in the "tetralogy" of songs in the same manner. First it was "The Chosen Ones", then "Chosen Twice", after that "The Unchosen One" and now as the fourth song it's time for the "Chosen Force". Truly Epic Metal!"

They said of the new album "DREAM EVIL are finally back! It has been seven years since we released our latest album SIX, so we are stoked to return with a vengeance now! The wait should not be in vain for anybody, as we are extremely happy with the outcome of all tracks on Metal Gods. It's a loud and clear statement for DREAM EVIL and a respectful nod to our influences as well as to the traditional melodic Heavy Metal movement in general. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we do!?" Watch the Patric Ullaeus directed video below:

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