
Singled Out: Black Note Graffiti's The Place You Lie

Keavin Wiggins | 06-26-2024

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Singled Out: Black Note Graffiti's The Place You Lie

Heavy rockers Black Note Graffiti recently released their new single and music video "The Place You Lie", and to celebrate we asked them to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

"The Place You Lie" begins with a musical sparring between Ricardo's guttural guitar versus Kurt's thunderous toms. While the intro is syncopated, it hints at the anthemic chorus as it leads into the verse. Ricardo marries his influence of The Mars Volta's "L'Via L'Viaquez" and Nirvana's "Very Ape" for this song, initially paying homage in the working title "Extremely Monkey". As we dance between verse and chorus, the song completely turns on its head during the bridge. Time signatures and tempos collide as we crescendo to the fever pitch conclusion, segueing back into a wall of vocals that immerse the listener beneath a blanket of bellicose chorus.

Lyrically, "The Place You Lie" explores the enduring difficulties after conquering internal struggles, such as psychological warfare, addiction, and trauma. Despite achieving equilibrium, all is thrown into question as we struggle with past behaviors, especially when presented with adversity. The song's aim is to motivate individuals during these persistent struggles, giving hope when it seems the least accessible. It urges the listener to cast aside their counterproductive thoughts and behaviors to utilize mindfulness as the transformative journey.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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