
Singled Out: Silver Cave's Claws

Keavin Wiggins | 06-18-2024

Singled Out: Silver Cave's Claws

Silver Cave just released a remastered version of their 2022 EP "Ill-Equipped", and to celebrate we asked mastermind Trent Rowland to tell us about the track "Claws". Here is the story:

I released Ill-Equipped in 2022. When I did, I spoke about this song and all of the feelings that I tried to summon. I felt small and insignificant, like a tiny crab trying to do complicated things with my simple claw-hands.

I also promised the readers that I would channel that frustration into positive growth the best way that I could. I've since worked on remixed and remastered versions of this EP and I'm ready to share them with you. This is a step in that growth process for me.

I wanted the new versions of the Ill-Equipped songs to feature the original performances as much as possible. The warts on these songs make it feel deeply personal in a way that I think is unique and special. I hope that you can feel that with me on this song. It is my favorite on the record.

As always, thank you very much, and stay tuned.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here

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