
Singled Out: Leave The Ghosts Behind's With You In The Dark

Keavin Wiggins | 05-20-2024

Singled Out: Leave The Ghosts Behind's With You In The Dark

Swiss heavy crew Leave The Ghosts Behind recently released their new single "With You In The Dark" and to celebrate we asked them to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

The lyrics for these three songs came from a deep place within me. I wasn't aware of it, but these feelings and emotions were somehow waiting to resurface and be turned into aggressive yet melancholic songs. "With You In The Dark" is straight up about being jealous. Nothing more, nothing less. I think most of us have experienced or even endured this nasty feeling, so much so that it turns into hate. Well, it's exactly that. While some might say this song is a bit cliché, I embraced the sentimentality.

"With You In The Dark" was the first song where I was really happy with the instrumental part of the demo and could imagine ourselves going into the recording process with it. This song was the first to include heavier drums and guitars, with the second half of the choruses feeling groovier and more aggressive than anything we had done in the past. Also, with the bridge having a darker and heavier sound than what our songs had to offer until now, I just feel like this is our band growing up.

Will and I worked on the vocals, and I was more than happy with the result. Using the same strategy as for "Diamond Skin", I gave him the text, he arranged and sang them as he felt would fit and be the most intuitive. This was the best he had ever sounded on any of the songs we had done until then. Finally, we had something that resonated with the direction I always wanted to go with this band.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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Singled Out: Leave The Ghosts Behind's With You In The Dark

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