
Singled Out: The Dead Daisies' Light Em' Up

Keavin Wiggins | 05-16-2024

Singled Out: The Dead Daisies' Light Em' Up

Rock supergroup The Dead Daisies just released the title track to their forthcoming album, "Light Em' Up", and the to celebrate we asked frontman John Corabi (Motley Crue/Union) to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

"Light Em' Up", is just a straight ahead, turn up the radio, rock tune with an old AC/DC kind of vibe. (One of David's favorite bands I might add.) When The Dead Daisies decided to do another record we all discussed how it should have that fun, no frills, feeling that we had on some of the earlier records we did, like "Make Some Noise."

So, we enlisted the maestro Marti Frederiksen to come back into the fold and help us get to where we wanted to go musically. Just for the record, I love working with Marti, as he knows exactly how each of us tick, and how to get the very best out of us as musicians.

Marti had been chatting with Stevie D (from Buckcherry) and told him he was working with us again, so Stevie sent him a couple of rough tracks to listen to for consideration.

One-night Marti and I were working on some other new ideas, and he played me Stevie's tunes and upon hearing the opening riff of the first song, we BOTH thought the riff was great! So, we took that riff idea and started working on something completely new.

Once we got into the studio with the entire band, we all worked out a sort of "map" or structure for the tune, and it really started to take shape in a great way. Once the rhythm tracks were laid down, Marti and I sat and worked on the title, melodies and lyrics. We wanted to make it simple, fun, and bombastic, but use our lifestyles as reference.

In a nutshell, the song is about me coming back home to The Daisies, and getting back to work. Writing tunes, kicking ass, traveling the World playing good old fashioned, loud rock and roll, and enjoying every minute of it!!! Living life to the fullest, living OUR dream, and being completely unapologetic about who we are. I love the song, I think everybody involved did a great job, and I hope you all enjoy listening to it, as much as we did writing it.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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