
KISS Reveal A New Era Following Final Concert

Keavin Wiggins | 12-04-2023

KISS Reveal A New Era Following Final Concert

KISS surprised fans at the end of their final concert this past weekend at Madison Square Garden in their hometown of New York City by introducing a "new era" for the band with avatars performing "God Gave Rock And Roll To You".

Frontman Paul Stanley's avatar informed the crowd at the December 2nd concert that the band is now "immortal" as the virtual band launched into the classic song from the "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey" soundtrack.

Following the show, the band shared a video clip proclaiming "A New Era Begins" (watch below), along with the message, "The end is only the beginning. KISS have been immortalized and reborn as avatars to rock forever. Get exclusive access to the full story, including behind-the-scenes material and the making of the avatars, and be part of the New Era only on kissonline.com."

Paul Stanley had this to say, "What we've accomplished has been amazing, but it's not enough. The band deserves to live on because the band is bigger than we are. It's exciting for us to go the next step and see KISS immortalized."

Gene Simmons added, "We can be forever young and forever iconic by taking us to places we've never dreamed of before. The technology is going to make Paul jump higher than he's ever done before."

For the new KISS avatars, the band turned to ILM (Industrial Light & Magic), who are best known for their groundbreaking work on Star Wars, with ABBA Voyage producers Pophouse Entertainment producing and financing the new venture.

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