
Singled Out: Tamala Park Book Club's Cut My Teeth


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Tamala Park Book Club Promo photo courtesy CarryThe4
Promo photo courtesy CarryThe4

Australian alt-rockers Tamala Park Book Club just released their new single "Cut My Teeth", and to celebrate we asked Patrick de Rooy to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

The song started with the verse riff. I was hearing the punchy backbeat of the drums and knew I had to make this into an aggressive, angsty tune with lyrics to match. To contrast, I wanted soaring vocal harmonies in the refrain and chorus, something an audience could sing along to, shouting 'oh oh' with the music. The 'hey hey hey's were added at the last minute to grab the listener's attention early on. We added bits of colour to craft it as a hard-hitting, alternative rock anthem.

As usual, the lyrics were written after most of the music was done. We were hearing something uplifting but coming from a place of struggle. Overcoming something and arriving on the other end, stronger and wiser.
It must've been a movie or something, but I heard the phrase 'cut my teeth' and the idea seemed to come together from there.

Everyone's had a relationship, or friendships that didn't end well because the other person/people were toxic. And as angry as the situation made you, the end result was a life experience where you learnt how to deal with difficult people. That's what the phrase 'cut your teeth' means, to gain experience from a life event. Their past caught up with them, you don't feel sorry for them because they brought it on themselves. You surpass them and move on.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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