
Michigander Singled Out Week: OK

Keavin Wiggins | 03-17-2021

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Michigander photo courtesy Press Here

Indie rocker Michigander (Jason Singer) just released his new EP "Everything Will Be OK Eventually" this Friday (March 19th) and to celebrate he tells us about the two singles from the effort. Today he tells us about "OK":

"OK" was one of those songs that came really easily. I think I wrote and arranged this song in one day which is very, very rare for me. When songs like this happen so quickly I have to believe that there isn't some sort of spiritual aspect to it. I feel like the song is already there and I just grab it. As cheesy as that sounds, I gotta believe there is some truth to it.

This song is my attempt to normalize being alone. Especially after being socially distanced so much over the past year. It took me a while to be ok with all the alone time and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way, but now I sort of enjoy the time to myself. Either way, I can't wait until things are normal again and I can be in a room with loads of people.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the EP here

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