
Michigander Singled Out Week: Let Down

Keavin Wiggins | 03-15-2021

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Michigander photo courtesy Press Here

Indie rocker Michigander (Jason Singer) is releasing his new EP "Everything Will Be OK Eventually" this Friday (March 19th) and to celebrate he tells us about the two singles from the effort. Today he tells us about the song "Let Down":

This was one of those songs that took a lot of work to get just right. The chorus was something I had been kicking around for a few years. I knew the chorus was gold, but it took a lot of patience to figure out the verses and the bridge. Not only did the writing take a lot of waiting, but the actual production on the track took a lot of time to get right. We added a lot of samples and keyboards to it, which I think really elevate the track from just being a straightforward rock song.

"Let Down" is about being patient and keeping your expectations in check. I'm someone who hopes for the best from everyone and every situation, which more often than not, no pun intended, lets me down.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the EP here

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