
  Ozzy Dolls Get Censored

06-12-02 antiGUY
Move over Gene $immon$, Ozzy is moving coveting your title as the king of merchandise! The latest Ozzy related merch to be announced is a collection of dolls for the entire Osbourne clan. (Ok minus the mysterious daughter who opted out of having her life filmed for the hit MTV show). 

The dolls are being produced by New York toy company, Fun 4 All. They plan to launch dolls for Ozzy, Sharon, Kelly and Jack that will include prerecorded voices from the family members. 

However, don�t expect your Osbourne dolls to use four letter words, like the much-bleeped out ones used on the show. The toy company reportedly plans to bleep-out any swear words used by the family members. So it appears they will be true to life or at least true to TV!  

Fun 4 All also produces other notable licensed novelty toys including the Pets.com hand puppet, items for South Park, the Simpons, SPAM, KISS as well as existing Ozzy dolls.

more on Ozzy
