
  Hitler Went to Heaven According to Korn Guitarist. 

07-10-02 antiGUY
Keep your eyes open for news reports of CD burnings following a comment made by Korn Guitarist James �Munky� Shaffer. Not since John Lennon uttered the words that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus has a rock star made a statement that has caused so much immediate backlash. 

"I think this is true Hitler went to Heaven (if such a thing as Heaven really exists)�, Shaffer told British publication Metal Hammer. �He felt that what he did was right, and I think that if what you feel you're doing is right, in your heart, then you can't be wrong!"

Unlike Lennon�s comment that was made in what he thought was a private conversation with a journalist and was taken out of context, it is pretty hard to image Munky meaning anything other than what he said. Although many music publications have already picked up on Munky�s comments, the band and Munky have yet to respond to the initial backlash. 

With this latest controversy the much maligned band, has created yet another reason for fans and non-fans to deride them.  Just last month Munky went on record with the same magazine apologizing for inflicting the world with Limp Bizkit. 

When asked about Korn�s part in helping break Limp Bizkit Munky responded, �Yeah, sorry about that," he told Metal Hammer.co.uk. "I mean, Fred Durst knocked on our bus door in Jacksonville like, 'Hey man, listen to my tape,' so it's our fault. I'm not ashamed of that, it's just sometimes when you bring a band to the public you can't control what people are going to do, and it's silly to think you can when you want them to do one thing and they do another. You just feel frustrated.�

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