
  Moby Attacked Outside Boston Club 

12-13-02 antiGUY
Moby was assaulted outside a Boston club on Wednesday night (Dec 11).  On Thursday Moby took to his website to fill fans in on what happened. His post is below (reprinted exactly as Moby):

brief update...
we played a concert tonight at a small club in boston, the paradise club. and after the show I went outside to get into my car. and there werea few people waiting for autographs, so as usual i stopped to sign a few things.

and then all of a sudden i was attacked by (i believe) 3 men with mace. they punched me from behind and i really had no idea what was going on.

i assumed that a bar-fight had spilled out of the bar and that somehow i had gotten caught in the middle of it. but no. after being punched in the head from behind a few times i turned around to see what  was going on and one of them punched me in the face a couple of times and then they all ran away.

so now i'm sitting here bloody and beaten up and waiting to file a police report.

the assault could've been a lot worse. but i'm very curious as to why 3 men would coordinate an attack on me? you know, 3 against 1? and the'one' in question is me, hardly the most physically threatening person in the world. so if one or more of the people who attacked me tonight happen to be reading this, i'd be really curious to know why you attacked me. 

 you could anonymously sign on to the boards and describe the attack from your perspective. i'm honestly very curious.

and if anyone sees me in the next couple of weeks and i have some big bruises or stitches on my face, well at least you know why.


Moby followed up with a new journal entry today (Dec 13) where he gave fans an update on his condition and thanks them for their support.  That posting is below:

thanks everybody for the outporing of support.

and i don't want to in any way compromise the support that i've received, but i have to say that i really wasn't all that badly hurt. if you've ever seen the twilight zone where the man (or woman...i don�t remember) gets plastic surgery to look �normal� and the surgery fails and he�s(or she�s) left looking like a freak but at the end we realize that the �normal� people look very odd and the �freaks� look very normal(by our standards), well, i kind of look a little bit like the �normal� people in that episode (and that was a very long and confusing sentence and if you want to ignore it then by all means, please ignore it, cos even though i wrote it it�s confused me a little bit, too.).

what i meant to say is that my face is kind of puffy and cut up and my lip is a bit swollen, but i�m actually o.k, thanks.

maybe i should go out and run into a table so that i could look really beaten-up. after �jackass� i believe that the slightly beaten-up scurvy pirate look is quite fashionable. so in some ways i should thank the courageous thugs in boston (3 guys with mace against me, a little in-bred muppet, very courageous...) for helping me to achieve that tough-guy look that�s hitherto been so hard for me to accomplish.

but in all seriousness, thanks everyone very much for your concern. i�m still left quite confused as to why these guys wanted to attack me, but i guess they had their reasons.

thanks again.

mobyp.s-i can�t really expect people to think of me as tough if i keep usingwordslike 'hitherto' in   my journal entries, can i?

(antiMUSIC was unable to determine if the shift key on Moby�s keyboard was damaged in the attack) 

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