
Lars the record company mogul. 

7-20-00 10:00 AM PST antiGUY
When he is not bashing the skins with his band Metallica, Lars Ulrich is moonlighting by running his own record label called simply - The Music Company. 

So far the label in association with Elektra Entertainment has released two albums. The latest release came last week from the Texas alt-rockers "Goudie" with their critically acclaimed debut album, "Peep Show". 

While many would expect Lars to sign bands that were Metallica clones or at least fit into the Metal mold, he has surprised onlookers with Goudie. 

Musically, Goudie has more in common with Radiohead than Metallica. During a recent interview with Debbie Seagle from our sister site Rocknworld.com, Goudie's bass player Einar described the circumstances that led to their signing with Lars:

"Well, Dan McCarroll, our A&R guy, when he was actually trying to decide if he should take this job as an A&R guy, he was given a box of tapes from who ended up becoming our publisher, Kenny McPherson at Warner-Chapel.  And Dan went home and listened to a bunch of stuff and liked our demo.  So he talked to Lars, let him listen to it.  He liked it and he sent Dan and Tim Duffy, the President of TMC (The Music Company) down to Austin to check us out.  And we did, like a private sort of showcase for a bunch of really stiff people and then, we did a showcase for Tim and Dan and it went great and we just got along really well with them.  We spend the week with them and they brought, or went back to Lars and gave him the news and he came about a month later and that was pretty much it.  I mean there was the going through the lawyers for a little while but it was just, they liked us, they thought we were a good band.  They thought, you know, I guess they got it.  And they liked the way we played and that was it.  It was really great."

Want to know more about Goudie? You can read the full interview with Goudie's Einar and Johnny Goudie and enter a contest for your chance to win a Goudie t-shirt.