
Megadeth Entering The Studio To Record New Album

Keavin Wiggins | 05-27-2020

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Megadeth's David Ellefson says that the band is moving forward to recording their new studio album together in the studio and rejected the idea to record it remotely.

Ellefson shared the update during an appearance on the There Goes My Hero podcast. He said that the band had talked about recording the new record remotely, "but we don't want to make a Megadeth record like that. This record from the onset. Once we got into a room together last summer, at that point the Ozzy tour had gotten postponed, and we right away regrouped and went 'Let's get to Nashville and start working on this record. Let's get in a room with four guys and Chris Rakestraw [co-producer], and just be dudes in a room jamming!'

"I think the records that have resonated the best with fans are [the early albums] that we recorded as a band. we wrote them in a band room together, the old school way. At the end of the day, it's just good to be in the room and feel like a band.

"The thing I've found is when we're jamming on a riff, and I'm looking over and Dave has got his snarl on and I'm f***ing headbanging, when you see that in the room, it's like a confirmation that this is f***ing great, that this is rad! And when we feel it in the room, that same feeling goes toward the stage and goes out to ten or fifteen hundred people we're performing for." Check out the full interview below:

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