Devin Townsend Launches 'Quarantine Project'

Devin Townsend has launched the first track from his brand new "Quarantine Project" that he has started in the wake of the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
As we previously reported, Townshend turned to fans for a crowdfunding campaign to help make up for lost revenue after his North American tour was canceled due to the virus outbreak.
He originally set a goal of $50,000 and as of Wednesday morning (March 18th) he had surpassed that with over $61,000. In response to the fan support, Devin has launched the Quarantine Project.
He explained, "Hello all, welcome to the first installment of my 'Quarantine Project' I want to be able to provide some relief during these coming times in the ways that I am able to. People have been supportive of me in my time of need with the GoFundMe campaign, as we lost a lot of revenue due to the current and foreseeable touring cycle, and want to make sure I can provide something that in some way begins to say 'thank you'. In the ways I'm able, I will provide as much content as I can during this period as its what I feel I can offer.
"My company has a lot of people involved, and your support has saved us in so many ways. I know we are all affected by this and yes, I could look for another job during this period like so many others will have to, but I figure that the best thing I can do is focus on my work and hopefully provide some sort of relief doing what I'm best at. I want to give back as much as I can over the next while, and I hope that some of the work I can manage here will provide a bit of comfort during these troubled times for those who enjoy what I do.
"This first song is just a melancholy sort of thing called 'Quarantine' to start the proceedings. The idea with this is that it may be many different styles, Twitch streams, concerts, perhaps a podcast... I have been kept afloat by the audience and wish to help in any way I can. (I am just learning how to do video and I will try to get more proficient at it as the time goes by).
"I will do everything I can to help in the ways that I'm able to. On behalf of myself, Northern Music, HevyDevy Records, and the entire team that makes up my professional world, Thanks for supporting (saving) our business during this downturn. We realize the number of people that are suffering and don't take this lightly. I figure the best way I can express this is to simply get to work. I will make sure I provide for the people who donated especially.
"I am working on lots of ideas to provide during this hard period. I truly can't express my gratitude enough." Check out the first song below:
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