
Framing Hanley Get Animated For 'Forgiveness Is An Art'

Keavin Wiggins | 12-19-2020

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Framing Hanley Get Animated For 'Forgiveness Is An Art'
Single art

Framing Hanley have released an animated lyric video for their new single "Forgiveness Is An Art". The track comes from the group's latest album "Envy".

Kenneth Nixon had this to say, "This song was a special song for us in the making of Envy. When Ryan informed us he'd be stepping away, Stoye moved from bass to guitar. This riff was the first riff he played out of the blue one day at rehearsals, and at the time, we thought the album was complete. But I heard the riff and said 'yo...let's run with that.'

"The lyric 'forgiveness is an art' was the first thing that came out of my mouth when I started ad-libbing ('cave-manning,' as I say...basically making melody and phonetic sounds to get the scope of the idea, and approaching later to write the story).

"Lyrically, it makes sense why that popped in my head though. We had gone through a lot of crap throughout the previous 12 months in working on this album, some things I'm not legally allowed to talk about. But this song was a response to all of that. This was the last song written for Envy but also the first peek at the next chapter of Framing Hanley."

He said of the new visual, "We wanted to put a lyric video out for this song and teamed with the talented artist Matthew Entecott to do something a little different. Hopefully you dig and hopefully you share." Watch the video below:

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