Jonathan Davis Reveals Inspiration For Korn's 'The Nothing'

Korn frontman Jonathan Davis has explained inspiration behind the title to band's forthcoming album "The Nothing", which is scheduled to be released on September 13th.
Kerrang reached out to Jonathan to find out the meaning behind the title and he told them, "I was struggling with the thing that's chasing me - that's always f***ing with me. I tried to give it a name and it just fit.
"I know it's from The NeverEnding Story - The Nothing was coming to destroy the fairytale land with Atreyu. I love that movie, but it was somewhere in between.
"The Nothing's not necessarily evil evil - it's a mixture, and I'm all about balance. In my house I've got crosses of Jesus everywhere and [deity] Baphomets everywhere - I'm in the middle, I'm Switzerland. I always thought there are two things I know for sure in the universe - there's a positive and a negative. I tend to be intrigued more by the dark side - I've collected a lot of dark things, seen some crazy sh*t - but when all that sh*t went down with Deven and my son, it seemed like the powers that be were keeping me from making the record.
"I sound crazy when I talk about it, but one thing after another would happen - my mics would break, stuff at the studio would break, things would happen at home... Whatever it was, it was keeping me from doing what I was doing. It's always been the case with me."
Deven was Jonathan's wife who passed away last year. He sat down with Kerrang and discussed more of the darkness of the new album. Check out the full interview here
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