The Acacia Strain Deliver Surprise Album For Christmas

The Acacia Strain had a little Christmas surprise for their fans in the form of a brand new studio album entitled "It Comes In Waves" that they delivered unexpectedly over the holiday.
Frontman Vincent Bennett spoke about the concept of the album. He shared, "The main concept is that humans have believed in deities and gods and angels and demons and all of these otherworldly, infallible beings since the beginning of humanity.
They all, throughout cultures, throughout time, throughout everything, they all have commonalities, they all have this feeling of leadership, of manipulation, of humans always follow whatever these deities say and they're known to be all-knowing, all-powerful and, like I said before, infallible.
"The concept of this album is although all of these cultures have different gods, what if it's all the same 'gods' that have been, throughout history, manipulating and shaping humanity? I'm not saying they're aliens, but I'm saying they're inter-dimensional beings that have a personality and have kind of just been manipulating humanity since the beginning. They've been around forever. We haven't, and they saw us as an opportunity to have a little fun.
"That's basically what the album is about. It's about this idea of gods actually being not only real but also physical beings that are just having their way with us at our expense, just so they can have something to do."
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